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西萨克拉门托市, 和加州其他城市一样, has set local regulations regarding legal adult use and cannabis business operations.
Medical use of cannabis has been legal in California since Proposition 215, 《同情使用法案,1996年通过(加州. 健康 & 安全(H&S) § 11362.5). In 2015, the California Medical Marijuana Regulation and Safety Act (MMRSA) was adopted, which created a complex licensing system for commercial production and sales of medicinal marijuana. Those regulations were still under development when Proposition 64 was approved in November 2016. 随着64号提案的通过, recreational cannabis (non-medicinal) became legal for adults in California and required a licensing and regulatory structure for adult-use cannabis businesses. 从那时起, 该州通过了SB 94法案, the “Medical and Adult-Use Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act” (MAUCRSA), to clarify and reconcile the two licensing and regulatory schemes for medicinal and adult-use cannabis. 西萨克拉门托市 has also updated its own 城市代码 to be compliant with state law.
*This FAQ is meant to serve as a broad overview of what is legal and not legal in the 西萨克拉门托市 with respect to cannabis. 个人应查阅国家法律和 城市法规 欲知更多资料.
Are retail sales of cannabis and cannabis products allowed in the City?
Do I need a State license to operate a commercial cannabis business?
我出租我的房子. Can my landlord prevent me from cultivating cannabis?
If I notice someone cultivating cannabis and I am concerned about it, what should I do?
Is smoking cannabis 禁止 anywhere in the City?
What types of commercial cannabis businesses does the City allow?